"I have grown to appreciate the task of helping children take better care of themselves, of each other, and of their classrooms. It's not a waste. It's probably the most enduring thing that I teach. In a world filled with global violence and threats of environmental devastation, where drugs and guns are easily available, learning to be more decent and to build caring communities is hardly a waste of time."
-Ruth Sydney Charney, Teaching Children to Care

"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework."
-Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I ♥ Science

This month I have a bit of freedom with the science curriculum. The theme? Science Fair. I'm basically supposed to conduct a bunch of experiments with the kids. Our month-long project will be testing to see if plants will grow in the dark. Other experiments include discovering which dye colors are in M&M's, what the best penny cleaner is, and what preserves apples the longest. The kids are happy we're doing a bit more hands-on activities and they can't stop looking at the dirt cups on the bookshelf. I had some kids raise their hands and say they had never planted a seed and watched it grow. This is why I love teaching.

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