"I have grown to appreciate the task of helping children take better care of themselves, of each other, and of their classrooms. It's not a waste. It's probably the most enduring thing that I teach. In a world filled with global violence and threats of environmental devastation, where drugs and guns are easily available, learning to be more decent and to build caring communities is hardly a waste of time."
-Ruth Sydney Charney, Teaching Children to Care

"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework."
-Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quotes and Notes of the Week

"Ms. Schadt, we're the only ones doing any work around here." -student helping me clean up after indoor recess (I gave him a Good Helper sticker for that one)

You can tell the kids are from the Northwest when they say...
"Ms. Schadt, is that a soy latte you're drinking again?"
"I know how to get to Canada. You go past Mt. Reindeer."
"Is that a frappachino?"
"It is drizzling. No, it's sprinkling."

Sweet note from a daughter to her parents:
"Dear Mom and Dad, I love you so much that when I am a mommy I want to live here with you. I love when you play with me."

Chaos erupts in the classroom with
"Ms. Schadt! She is kissing him! She kissed him four times!"

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