"I have grown to appreciate the task of helping children take better care of themselves, of each other, and of their classrooms. It's not a waste. It's probably the most enduring thing that I teach. In a world filled with global violence and threats of environmental devastation, where drugs and guns are easily available, learning to be more decent and to build caring communities is hardly a waste of time."
-Ruth Sydney Charney, Teaching Children to Care

"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework."
-Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quotes to ponder

A good teacher is a master of simplification and an enemy of simplism. ~Louis A. Berman

We expect teachers to handle teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and the failings of the family. Then we expect them to educate our children. ~John Sculley

Most teachers have little control over school policy or curriculum or choice of texts or special placement of students, but most have a great deal of autonomy inside the classroom. To a degree shared by only a few other occupations, such as police work, public education rests precariously on the skill and virtue of the people at the bottom of the institutional pyramid. ~Tracy Kidder

What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ~Karl Menninger

Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts. ~Author Unknown

Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden, and those who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers. ~Author Unknown

The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. ~Author Unknown

The secret of teaching is to appear to have known all your life what you just learned this morning. ~Author Unknown

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