"I have grown to appreciate the task of helping children take better care of themselves, of each other, and of their classrooms. It's not a waste. It's probably the most enduring thing that I teach. In a world filled with global violence and threats of environmental devastation, where drugs and guns are easily available, learning to be more decent and to build caring communities is hardly a waste of time."
-Ruth Sydney Charney, Teaching Children to Care

"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework."
-Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I love my job...

We're studying insects and spiders this month. Here's what one student had to say during a discussion about insects:

"Ants have poison in their butts. When birds want to eat delicious ants and go toward the ant territory, ants shoot poison from their butts. What happens to the birds is some ants shoot red poison and some shoot blue poison. When the queen ant shoots poison, the bird dies. It’s really fast like a bullet. A bullet is really fast. The poison goes on their bodies." -My kindergarten student

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